Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why do people want to WhatsApp???

Why do people want to WhatsApp???

     Why today's young people want features such as social networks and Wechat Whatsapp instead? There are several reasons for that.

     Those in which it does not disappoint on this app is thereby creating a false account anyone on Facebook can deceive others but can not do so in WhatsApp and Wechat.

     Young people make use of social websites and Wechat WhatsApp instead of 

5 is the real reason to see it to see what it is ..!

  1. The main reason for using Whatsapp and Wechat-which are real friends. 1,000 friends on Facebook but will not be able to contact everyone can communicate with everyone in Whatsapp and Wechat. Group, along with a close friend when he wants us to use that option 
  2. Protects from false friends and using Wechat,WhatsApp is a credibility. The opportunities are not necessarily false friends. In our mobile contact numbers of friends, because there is all it is safe.
  3. Using WhatsApp and Wechat rather than Facebook, and act quickly. After sending the message that it will not reach to friends on Facebook, we do not know. WhatsApp and Wechat in the most relevant way your message is transmitted.
  4. WhatsApp and Wechat applications more secure than Facebook. Facebook should be careful when sharing our things. Otherwise we would gather information. WhatsApp and Wechat to anyone, because it can not steal our information.
  5. Facebook page and who wants us to use our knowledge. Whatsapp and Wechat can not do so because of all the news from our profile personal messages that no one can steal it.


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